About us


International Art and Design

Since 1984

International Art and Design (INTERNational ARt and DESign) was established back in the 1980s.

We started in the North of Sweden as an idea

about a multimedia workshop, to mix different medias,

long before the Internet and computers evolved into today's level.

Things have changed, material and production methods,

but not  the Idea.

Opportunities today has increased significantly the chance

to fullfill the goals, to work with different materials and integrate them with each other.

So we are very happy to present our products to you here today.

As The Rolling Stones is singing: Time is on my side...

From 2017

Internardes have also started to cooperate with Tage Åsen, a great Scandinavian artist and we have both the ability to produce his

prints and sell his fantastic Artworks.


We have had major discussions within the Internards about the price of our products and we have decided to be cheaper than many other selling artists and our prices are therefore very beneficial for you

who like our art.

To mention is that most others who sell gicee prints in Scandinavia doesen´t have the production Tools to produce the same high quality of prints as Internardes do.

A quality print from Internardes is produced with the market's absolute best tools and with the accuracy and knowledge that many other and  larger companies do not have time or afford to,

their editions are also, mostly significantly higher with series between 100-200 prints or more, of each image.

Internardes has a limit of 75 prints or less each edition.

We want our art to reach everyone, everyone should have a chance to buy quality art for an affordable sum to their homes, workplaces or offices.

Low editions, low price but highest quality is our contribution to the art and to our customers.

Hope you think it's a good idea,

best regards

Gunnar Rydberg / Internardes


Last but not least, all of us who work at Internards with photography, printing, sales, are all artists themselves.

Which is our guarantee of a quality beyond the usual.

"Art and quality is our priority"

Hope our ideas and products could be an advantage for you and we can get a long and rewarding collaboration.

International Art and Design


For more information contact Internardes@Internardes.com

Homepage made by IAD Studios

Copyright 2020 IAD Studios

Reproduction of any kind is not permitted without  the written permission from the author/photographer